Ch3. History and Intercultural Communication
Ch4. Identity and Intercultural Communication
Ch5. Verbal Issues in Intercultural Communication
Ch6. Nonverbal Communication Issues
Ch7. Popular Culture and Intercultural Communication
Ch8. Culture, Communication, and Conflict
Ch9. Intercultural Relationship in Everyday Life
Ch11. Intercultural Communication and Business
Culture, Communication, and Conflict 解決跨文化衝突的關鍵四步 (3.43)
Interpersonal conflict 陣頭一言不合「網內互打」(0.43)
Political conflict 塞爾維亞國會爆發衝突 議員擲煙霧彈引發混亂 (1.13)
南中國海爭議:中國海警與菲律賓海軍發生衝突 (1.01)
Culture, Communication, and Conflict【HBR 管理錦囊】 如何化解衝突 ? | 1號課堂x哈佛商業評論 (3.43)
Affective Conflict: Affective Conflict (1.43)
Conflicts of Interest: Conflicts of Interest (0.50)
Value Conflict: Value Conflict (3.23)
Cognitive Conflict: Cognitive Conflict (1.22)
Goal Conflict: Psychology of Interests and Goals - Conflict Series (5.43)
Cultural Values Influences: Conflict Management and Resolution (9.34)
Two Approaches to Conflict 遇到衝突,你是不是又妥協了? (9.34)
Intercultural Conflict Styles: Thomas處理衝突五種方式 (4.43)
Religion and Conflict:近年最嚴重宗教衝突 印度38死200傷 |(0.40)
- Course Introduction
- Course Plan
- 評論