113-2 Groups and Their Members
113-2 Presentation Schedule
Shakespeare's Sonnets
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Canonization
A Valediction_Forbidding Mourning
The Good Morrow
A Valediction of Weeping
Death_Be not proud
The Flea
On Shakespeare by John Milton
Sonnet 19 by John Milton
Paradise Lost_Book 1
Pope-A Modest Proposal
Swift-A Modest Proposal
The Rise of the Novel
Auguries of Innocence
Blakes-Songs of Innocence and of Experience
I wandered lonely as a cloud
Lyrical Ballads
My heart Leaps up
Lord Byron_Poems
Percy Shelley_Poems
John Keats_Poems
Lord Tennyson_Poems
Rudyard Kipling_Poems
Oscar Wilde_A Selfish Giant
- Course Introduction
- Course Plan
- 評論