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Week 1_Course introduction, arrangement, and learning tips
Week 2_No class
Week 3_Four parts of speech and the use
Week 4_Forming affirmative, negative sentences and questions and simple sentence patterns
Week 5_Forming a paragraph
Week 6_Punctuation and outline
Week 7_Verb tenses overview
Week 8_Catch up and review
Week 9_Midterm examination
Week 10_Discussion on midterm examination
Week 11_Simple present, past and future
Week 12_Writing topic and concluding sentences
Week 13_Present and past progressive
Week 14_Writing supportive and concluding sentences
Week 15_Present perfect
Week 16_Past perfect
Week 17_Catch up and review
Week 18_Final examination
- 課程介紹
- 課程安排
- 評論