week03 影片觀賞:⎡攝影技術的偉大發明者The Inventory⎦(圖書館借閱編號:5F (DVD770 P575 C.1)
week04 影片觀賞:「藝術平民化 : 當攝影進入私密領域 = Photographing intimacy」(圖書館借閱編號:5F (DVD770 P575 C.2)
week05 影片觀賞:「用攝影捕捉無形概念的藝術家 = Conceptual photography 」(圖書館借閱編號:5F (DVD770 P575 C.3)
week06 影片觀賞:「數位時代來了 : 影像的後製作 = After the photo」(圖書館借閱編號:5F (DVD770 P575 C.4)
week07 TombSweeping Bridge Holidays
week08 Zoom(experimental online class )
week09 Social influences of Images and its ways to it
week10 Ghost that being in between 影像文化氛圍
week11 The Culture Level in the image
week12 「整個校園,我的藝術進香隊The whole campus, my artistic rituals」
week13 《被遺忘的存在著》/存在的不曾失去過
week14 台灣女性行為藝術家、策展人、自由寫作者,許淑真。
w15 上課地點:至善樓Z1307會議室「靜靜聽著風」分享座談會
week16「觀看的意義 The meaning at the site of seeing」:「影像的真實性與消費性」
week 17~18 學期期末作業
- 課程介紹
- 課程安排
- 評論